- Editor-In-Chief Elaine Harris
Upon entering the tropical oasis most Sake Fever veterans start looking for the big star of the night and head straight for it with great haste. After all, it’s not often you get to watch Master Sushi Chefs break down a $5000.00 230Lb Tuna just flown in for the occasion.
These masters of knife skills carefully inspect the Tuna and determine the best way to get the most out of this tasty delight from the sea. Before they do anything, it all about respect for this fish who gave its life for us to enjoy. Sake is poured and a hearty “ Kampai “ to cheer the fish that will soon be on our plates.
The Chefs carefully and methodically, just as it has been done for centuries ,cut large pieces of beautiful red meat to be broken down smaller and smaller until it perfectly fits our chopsticks. With aromas of the sea in the air, guests enjoyed this wonderful tuna sashimi as it melted in their mouths.
A UNLVino Tradition is the Dom Perignon Award of Excellence awarded at each event to honor a person in the Hospitality Industry that has made a great impact on the industry as a whole. At SAKE FEVER the 2013 Dom Perignon Award of Excellence honoree was Chef Masaharu Morimoto who is known to millions as the Star of Iron Chef and Iron Chef America. Upon receiving his award under a perfect starlight sky, the iconic chef pleased the crowd as he serenaded them in Japanese.
- Chef Masaharu Morimoto , Editor-In-Chief Elaine Harris
Guests strolled from table to table enjoying Sake as they sampled traditional dishes from Japonais in the Mirage , the Palazzo’s Sushi Samba, Summerlin’s Poppy Den and Naked Fish just to name a few. For the beer lovers, Asahi ,Singha and Tsingtao were on hand and pouring their best.
Sake Fever started out as its own event and not part of the UNLVino weekend. A few years ago Sake Fever joined the UNLVino lineup and has been a huge hit. The 39th UNLVino was one of the best ever and we look forward to what the 40th year will bring. KAMPAI! for a job well done.